How to Connect to a Linux VM with IPv6 via SSH - Evoxt
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How to Connect to a Linux VM with IPv6 via SSH

In this guide, you'll learn how to connect to a Linux VM with IPv6 via SSH, ensuring secure and reliable remote access. By following the steps outlines, you can verify IPv6 connectivity, check your public IPv6 address, and establish an SSH connection using IPv6.

Verifying IPv6 Connectivity

Before connecting via SSH, confirm that both your local machine and remote Linux virtual machine support IPv6.

Check Your Public IPv6 Address

Run the following command to use IPinfo's API for a quick lookup of your public IPv6 address:
Check IPv6

Test IPv6 Connectivity

  • Linux/macOS:
  • Windows:
    ping -6
If this fails, your device may not have IPv6 internet access.

Establishing an SSH Connection

Once IPv6 is verified, connect to your Linux VM using SSH:
ssh your_username@[your-ipv6-address]
Connect to a Linux VM with IPv6 via SSH


By verifying IPv6 connectivity and using the correct SSH syntax, you can securely connect to your server over IPv6. If you encounter any issues, review your network configuration and ensure your SSH service is properly running. For instructions on connecting via IPv4, check out our IPv4 SSH Connection Guide.

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