How to Change SSH Port in Linux - Evoxt
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How to Change SSH Port in Linux

In this guide on How to Change SSH Port in Linux, you will learn how to change the SSH port on your Linux server to enhance security and reduce unauthorized access attempts. Changing the SSH port is a proven method to protect your system and optimize network traffic.

  Step 1: Open the SSH Configuration File

Use a text editor like nano to open the SSH configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Step 2: Locate and Change the SSH Port Number

Find the line that specifies the SSH port (typically port 22) and change it to your preferred port (e.g., 2222):
port 22

Step 3: Save and Exit

After modifying the SSH configuration file, save and exit:
  • Press Ctrl + X
  • Press Y to confirm
  • Press Enter

Step 4: Update Firewall Rules (Optional)

If your firewall is enabled, allow the new SSH port:

  • Ubuntu/Debian:
    sudo ufw allow [port_number]/tcp
  • CentOS/Rocky:
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=[port_number]/tcp
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Step 5: Restart Your Server

Reboot your system to ensure the new settings take effect:
sudo reboot

Step 6: Connect Using the New SSH Port

After your server restarts, connect using the new SSH port. For example:
ssh user@your_server_ip -p [port_number]

Replace [port_number] with your new port and user@your_server_ip with your SSH username and server IP.
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