Magento One-Click Installation

Set up your new eCommerce website powered by Open-source Magento with Evoxt with only a single click with our One-Click Installation Script.
Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that is written with PHP. Magento is written in a way that is optimized and targeted towards eCommerce websites hence it is very scalable, which makes it suitable for medium-sized eCommerce stores that are looking to expand their business. Large corporations such as Nintendo, Ford and more are using Magento to run their eCommerce website. Installing Magento on your own may seem like a technical challenge, however with Evoxt's Magento One-Click installation, you can skip all these hassles. Let's get started.
Check your email for your VM details. Your VM details are sent to your email inbox.Check your junk/ spam mail just in case.
Did not receive it? Contact us.

With Evoxt's Magento one-click installation, everything is already installed by default.To login to your Magento Admin Panel, simply go to YOUR_VM_IP/admin

The default username and password will be:
Username : admin
Password : admin123

Don't forget to change your default admin login details to prevent any potential unauthorized activity to your website.
To change your password, click on your admin on the top right and click account setting.

Point your Domain
Read the guide here:
to learn how to point your domain to your VM.
Extra Information
Evoxt's Magento one-click installation also have Magento CLI installed.To use it, simply connect to your VM and head to your Magento root directory
cd /var/www/html
and run bin/magento your_commandHere are some guides regarding the commands that are available
MySQL password
With Evoxt's Magento one-click installation, your database password are stored in /var/log/mysqld.logSimply use this command to get your MySQL password
cat /var/log/mysqld.log
[root@TEST ~]# cat /var/log/mysqld.log
[root@TEST ~]#
[root@TEST ~]#
Setup your eCommerce website with Evoxt cloud virtual machine now!